Friday 22 April 2016

analysing Memento

From the opening title of the film I can see that the letters are spaced out  this could suggest that the man feels quite isolated and trapped also the way in which the letters are spaced out could imply that this man does not remember anything that might have happened that night . Also the colour blue connote sadness and symbolises water which could suggest that this character is emotionally unstable and is depressed this is an effective technique for the audience because you are building up an image in the audiences head of what this character might have been through and what characteristics they might have before the audience are introduced to the character properly .

In the first scene of Memento there is a medium shot being used to focus on the snap shot of the murder that happened this is effective for the audience because it is showing how the mans memories are slowly coming back to him and how bits of that night are starting to become clearer to him also by having a snap shot of that event you are helping the audience to understand the story line of the  film and you are helping the audience to understand the genre of the film and by not having a shot of the mans face who participated in the murder you are showing how guilty he feels about killing that person .

By having a close up of the mans face you are showing the audience how guilty the man feels and how shocked he is and it also creates suspense and tension for the audience as you want to know to know what he is looking at as the man is not looking directly at the camera and  also the man looks like he has anger and suspension in his eyes and as well as looking a bit guilty the man looks fearless as if he is used to this .