Friday 11 December 2015

Filming risk assessment

Risk assessment form 

Who is exposed
Who may be harmed
Level of risk
Control measures
Measures being taken to minimise risks identified
Level of risk once controls are in place
Roots and hanging down tree branches in the woods.
My actors who are walking and running through the forest
Make sure I check the location out first and guide them to a safer route if there is a hanging tree branch in the way
Prop –   bloody knife
Certain characters in my film.
Everyone keeps a safe distant from the knife and not to run when holding the weapon. I would transport it by using fake bloody knife for transport and a real knife for the shot and killing of people .
It would be used in the scene by having the killer hold the knife before killing the person .
Quite low because a fake knife will be used for transportation and i will make sure to give the actor a blunt knife when it comes to acting out the killing of the victim to avoid any injuries from happening.
Road outside my house
All characters crossing to get to the forest
Make sure that you are looking both ways and to be careful as it can get busy at times.
When the camera is on the tripod
All characters
Be careful of the tripod and warn everyone before filming that scene that the tripod is there so that people do not trip over the legs of the tripod.
Wet mud

 The stairs in my House

Filming outside of my house

All characters

All characters



Be careful when walking in the mud over the forest as characters could slip and fall over so if you see a part of the forest with mud then avoid it .

Make sure that any objects are out of the way of the stairs as actors could trip and fall over.

Make sure to check if people are walking past the pavement and make sure that the tripod is set up and positioned properly.

And check to see if the pavement is wet as my actors could slip and fall over.



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