Friday 11 December 2015

video treatment

Blood Bath

The genre of my film will be a hybrid of horror and comedy because the theme of my film will have some dark comedy and humour as well as having the dramatic and intense horror background.

A mother and daughter go to view a new house but little do they know that the house that they are so desperate to live is holding an evil , dark and mysterious and as for the landlord well would you trust him ? .

 In the beginning of my film there is going to be establishing shots of the house introduce the location and setting to my audience then in the middle of the film there is going to be photo frames falling of the shelves and lights flickering as this shows the relation of the situation to the characters and the audience as the characters see that this house is not worth buying as unexpected things keep happening in the house and they are getting more frequent and intense by the minuet.

The title of my film is Blood bath and the hybrid genre of my film is horror , my film idea meets the specification of my genre because I have a wide range of characters with different personality traits as the daughter in my film is very shy whereas the mother in my film is confident and can be bossy at times whereas the man who is guiding them around the house appears calm but has an evil and creepy vibe about him. The location fits my film because of the feeling that the house looks normal from the outside draws the audience in to what is going to be happening in the film. The props that  I am going to be using are an axe and fake blood on the walls I did this because I still wanted to stick to a traditional horror genre but I wanted to add humour to my film as well.

The different styles that I will use are that I will be using continuity editing to make my shots easy to follow and to draw my audience in and I will be using dark lighting and back and white filters to make my film scary and to make my film dramatic for my audience and I will be using medium shots and establishing shots as well as high and low angle shots  the sound and music that I will be using is diegetic sound as their will be dialogue of the characters talking to one another as well as tense music in the background of my film to create tension and the anchorage text that i will be displaying to my audience will be in white letters with red splats behind it. As the colour white symbolises innocence and purity whereas the colour red symbolises blood and danger.

The first scene will be where the characters are walking up to the house I am doing this because I want the audience to get introduced to the characters and see different personality traits and it allows my audience to see what my characters are wearing .

The second scene is going to be where my characters are getting a tour of the house and are getting shown into the living room this is to introduce my audience to the different elements of the house and to introduce my audience to the man  showing the mum  and daughter round .

the third scene is where there is going to be a shot where the characters are going to be walking into the kitchen and the lights start flickering and going off and on.,

 And scene four is going to be filmed in the corridor of the house and it is going to focus on the stairs and the characters walking up and there will also be sped up scary music being added because the mother and daughter will have their backs to the audience and this will be effective because there will be a close up of the axe behind the man's back to show his crazy and evil side then there will be a cut after the shot to show the shot of the bloody hand prints and writing on the wall before a scream sound effect and the screen will ten  go pitch black before having credits rolling up .

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