Monday 23 November 2015

opening scene analysis one


This story is about a teenaged girl called Carrie White played by Chloe Moretez who  is bullied by her classmates at high school and her mum Margaret White  played by Julianne Moore  is a paranoid woman . When Carrie has her first lesson she does not understand what is happening to her and her classmates humiliate her in the changing rooms.

The opening title of the film sets the mood for the audience as it has a black background the colour black  symbolises death and  is an effective colour to use for the background of a film because it helps to create an eerie atmosphere  for the audience whereas the red writing connotes danger and blood .
The spacing of the letters could symbolize how alone she feels and how she feels that no body understands her and that she feels trapped and is crying out for help and attention .

 The font is quite big this could suggest that the story gets intense the further it goes along into the story as it cold get more dramatic as weird things are about to happen  to Carrie  as her life may be turned around .  The transition of the writing is that it fades quickly and the screen goes black before cutting straight into the first scene of the film. And  the sound is fast paced and tense  before going straight into a direct cut.


The scene above  is the opening scene of the film and it shows how scared Carrie  looks at school and it , also shows how lost she may be feeling inside and that she is not sure what to do ,  the characters facial expression could also suggest how she is thinking of something to say and carrie's body language makes her come across as shy and not very confident and it makes the audience feel a bit sorry for her . Comparing this to other characters in horror films this is showing  how  they are basing her around the typical horror background as in most horror films you have the less intelligent one who gets killed first then you have the smart one and the shy one and they have tried to bas this film around the stereotypical horror conventions. and the clothes Carrie is wearing she may feel judged as she may feel like she doesn't fit in with the other girls because of what they are wearing and maybe how they act . There is no dialogue in this scene but there is dramatic and sense music playing and the framing of the shots show that they are only focused on the head and waist of the character and that nothing else is relevant in the shot .

In this scene it shows how embarrassed she feels and that she may not how to swim and it also helps the audience as it gives you a bit of background image on the character and how she acts it also shows you that Carrie is quite a shy person and it shows you how easy of a target she is for the other girls to bully and pick on because she is so shy that they may feel like she cant stick up for herself properly . This compares to characters from a typical super natural thriller as most horror films follow the typical representation types of the shy character which in this case is the position the Carrie plays and then you have the smart character , and the characters that die first in the film  and slowly the character types beginning to rank up from the characters with small roles to the characters with main roles .

It shows how the other girl makes her feel hurt and lost about who she is it also shows how she struggles with school and people in her year group and how it is all too much for her this scene is effective because it shows how she goes through a lot of emotions in these three scenes and how she handles each individual situation. Also it allows the audience to interact with the characters in the scene more as it allows the audience to show sympathise  to Carrie.  The editing is slow pace and some example of continuity editing has been shown.

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