Monday 23 November 2015

Media techniques sound

Media Techniques Sound

Diegetic Sound
This is where sound is visible on a screen this means that the audience can hear the voices of the characters in the film , the audience can also hear sounds and music coming from the film .  Diegetic sound can also be on or off screen this depends on what image is inside or outside the frame.

For example this scene from divergent where

Non Diegetic Sound

This is sound that is not visible on screen and is not implied to be present in action  non diegetic sound is represented as a source outside a story space.

Synchronous Sound

Synchronous sounds is a sound that is matched to particular movements that are happening in that scene  some examples of this are when footsteps link to people's feet walking .  Synchronous sounds help the audience to interact with the characters in the film  for example the click of a door being opened in a horror movie creates that eerie atmosphere for the audience as you don't know if it is the killer or not.

Asynchronous Sound

Asynchronous Sounds are sounds that match an action being performed however it is not synchronised with that action , asynchronous sound is normally used when the director wants to create tension the audience cant hear the sound that the character in the film can hear . Then the camera pans or tracks to capture a clear shot of the sound this then makes it clearer for the audience to see what the sound is .

Sound Motif

This is a sound effect or a wide spread of sound effects that are linked to that particular character , setting , situation , which is shown throughout the film . The sound motifs prepare the audience for any arrival or actions of a particular character .
  Sound motifs can be very useful in a rough cut when they are trying to help decide the narrative functions of the characters and when they are trying to work out the right sounds for each individual character as the audience moves through the story .

Sound Bridge

Sound bridge can lead in or out of a scene this can happen at the beginning of a scene when the sound from a previous scene is still going before the sound from a new scene begins .

 However this can happen at the end of a scene when the sound from the next scene is heard before the image appears on the screen , sound bridges are a common transition of an continuous editing style and a sound bridge can stretch the connection between the two scenes as their mood suggested by the music is still the same.

This is the musical component of a movies soundtrack . Most scores are written for that movie by a group of composers .

Incidental Music

Incidental music is music that is played during a film or a broadcast to create a specific mood for the audience .

Ambient Sound

Ambient sound are background sounds which are present in a scene or location , the types of ambient sounds are wind , water, birds, crowds and traffic.

 Ambient sound is very important in film work because it helps provide audio continuity between shots , it also helps to prevent an unnatural silence when no other sound is there  , and they help to establish or reinforce a mood .

 There are several types of ambient sounds used in film these are matching ambient sound this is where any ambient sound is recorded to match a scene. Wild sound this is where background noise with more than one sound is not synchronised with the main  idea for example children playing in a playground .

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