Monday 23 November 2015

Key Media Theory

Key Media Theory


Todorov's Theory

Todorov introduced a theory in 1869 this was one that he thought could be applied into any film , his theory was that he believed that most films followed the same narrative pattern. Todorov thought that there were five stages to his pattern .
1. Equilibrium - This where the audience first meets the characters .
2. Disruption- Where something happens to change the characters lives.
3. Realisation- Where the characters realise that they need to fix this situation
4. Dis-equilibrium - The characters then have to deal with the situation and then have to try and solve it.
5. New equilibrium - Everything is fine and back to the way it was or in a better state than how it started.


This is where we first get introduced to the characters and find out who is who and what they are called .


This is where they realise that they need to get out of the junkyard and how the obstacles they come face to face with over time.


Realising they need to stick together to get out of this situation

Dis - equilibrium 

Solve it by using a claw to get them out of the junkyard how the characters respond to a problem

New equilibrium 

Got out of the problem and everything goes back to how it has started .

Barthes Enigma and action codes 
Roland Barthes was paid to look at texts and to think how they were put together.  Roland's idea was that texts could be open and unravelled in different ways and closed where there is only one thread to pull on . Barthes then decided that the threads you pull on to try and un ravel meaning are called the Narrative codes . These include Action and Enigma codes. 

Action codes 
 Action codes are certain events that move on the narrative towards a particular direction , it means that any action that implies a further narrative action , for example a gunslinger draws his gun at someone to fire so the audience get reeled in as we wonder what will happen next .

Enigma Codes 
Enigma codes place questions on the audience which then become answered later on in the film . For example who is she? where is he going ? why is she doing that? . They refer to any particular element in the story that is not explained and therefore creates an enigma for the audience creating questions that need an explanation .

Strauss - Binary oppositions 

Levi Strauss believed that the world was split into a series of binary opposites , this means that he thought that only one thing can be defined in relation to something that it isn't. 
Example a hero is only a hero if there is villain in the story as well. 

Representation types 

  • Age
  • Gender
  • National /regional/identity
  • race
  • disability
  • class




National / regional / identity





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