Monday 23 November 2015

Media techniques - Mise - en - scene

Mise - en - scene 

Mise - en - scene  referes to the arrangement and scenery of the stage in a play . It can also be the setting or any  surroundings of an event as well as the production design for example the lighting , studio , set design , costume and make up .

Production Design 
This is the overall look of any film and it makes up the setting  and visual style of the story . This can be the design of the sets , location , choices , and supervision of the props.

Costume, hair and make up

This can be an indicator to the audience about the characters personality and job , this can also set  the location and background of the character .


These are objects on a set that are small and light enough to be carried by any of the actors in the film . They are normally distinct from the largest pieces of furniture or decor which make up the background of the set and they can have a particular meaning and play an important part of the film . 


Lighting is an important part in creating the atmosphere of a film , the amount of lighting that you have can give meaning to the viewer of the film , for example lighting is used to set the time of the day .

Key lighting 

This is usually directed onto the main character of the film , fill lighting can be added to soften the effect of shadows .

Back lighting 

This is used to create a silhouette and this then allows the character to look mysterious due to the effect of the shadows . It can create a sense of mystery and an eerie atmosphere this effect is usually used in horror movies .

Colour design 

Colour is one of the most important things to have in a scene as it can change the entire look of that particular shot , the colours differences can be used to suggest brightness and many other things .

Colour can also be used to allow your audience to experience lots of different types of emotions , this isn't very important for your film but it is important in marketing .

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