Thursday 5 May 2016

Catch me if you can analysis

From general analysis of studying this film I know that an illusion is being created because of the use of the white writing and the airplane slowly coming in and then beginning to  fade out  to make it look like clouds sets the scene for the audience because not only does it tell the audience what genre the film is about , but it is a creative use of effects because of the different transitions that are used in the film and how this then makes the audience interested and intrigued to find out more .

Also the font of the letters is interesting to the audience because the letters are very close together this suggests that the characters in the film are very tight knitted and very close but on the other hand this could suggest mystery and that they don't trust one another because of the fact that the me is in white whereas all the other letters are in black could suggest that the me is targeted at one specific person .

Also the way that their is a blue background to represent the sky is also effective because the colour blue represents sadness and water so this could be a hidden clue to the audience that something Jurassic is going to happen to one of the characters , this could then be a sign to the audience .

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