Thursday 5 May 2016

Research report

From my own research I have learnt that most of my consumers that watch horror films are female and this can help me with my own film because I can see how I can make my film appeal to both genders and by having these results from questionnaire it can help me when it comes to filming because I can try to have my film appeal both genders .

From my shooting schedule I can see how I have planned each individual shot and I have planned my time wisely by making sure that each day I get a piece of filming done so I have managed my work load efficiently to make sure that I meet deadline and to make sure that each piece gets edited .

From my genre conventions this has helped me because I can see how typical horror  films have the same media platform , because every horror has the same dark lighting and they use the same camera techniques and they have dramatic music , I included this in my research because I can always look back on it for inspiration .

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