Thursday 5 May 2016

Genre Conventions

Genre Conventions

Conventions – The genre of a text is recognisable to an audience by
having a set of shared characteristics or conventions (sometimes called a
‘repertoire of elements’). These include characters, iconography, narrative,
technical and audio codes and representations and they are also common things that come together.


There is a dark lighting and their is lots of blood and gore in the background there is a haunted setting like an old abandoned house or grave yard there is normally a family that go to live in the haunted house.

There is also a ghost or poltergeist that lives in the house and makes things fall of shelves and tries to haunt  the characters by making them see things that are not there or by trying to kill them in the house .

There is usually use of non diegetic and diegetic sound of the characters talking and the non diegetic sound would be the dramatic and fast paced music in the background to try and real the audience in to what is happening by using sound effects like screaming to make the film terrifying for the audience.

There is usually use of different camera angles and camera movements to show to the audience different emotions that the characters may be going through by having close ups of the characters face and pan shots you are allowing the audience to see a wide variety of different shots and you building up a picture for the audience.

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