Thursday 5 May 2016

what a story board needs

Story boards

A story board is a visual representation of what our film is going to look like , the story board is then used as  a guide when filming so that you can a make sure that the film looks like how you want it to .  Story boards can also consist of annotations like camera shots , camera movements , lighting , sound and where you want it to go and details about shot lengths as well .




Images are important to have in a story board because they help to identify what is going to be happening each shot and they help make filming scenes easier for the actors as by having clear images or drawings its then easier to see what is going to be happening in each shot.

Camera movements

Camera movements are important to have because it helps that camera crew and director of the film know how the characters are felling in ach shot and it helps the audience to see what is going on and having clear annotations of what is happening is each shot helps the actors to see where they should be positioned when filming certain scenes.


Colour is important because it helps to to make the drawings stand out and it helps when it comes to  editing as  the editor can use the story board for inspiration and guidance if they get stuck.

What a story board needs to be successful ?

Images indicating characters and the location  that you want to film in , also the
mise - en -scene needs to be showed as the characters need to see what props and what costumes the characters will be wearing to show how you can identify the jobs that the different characters and what the characteristics are like for each person that is in your film .

There also needs to be shots of the foreground and background of each shot ,

There also needs to be clear annotations of any camera movements for the shot so that the actors know what they are doing for each scene and so that the people filming know what to do with the camera and what camera angles need to be used for each individual shot.

Also you should make sure that you have listed what equipment you will be using so then you are not stressed out later on and that it is clear that you have thought about what you are using and why you are using it as people can help you with the filming and can help you be prepared  and less nervous about the whole thing.



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