Thursday 5 May 2016

Rough idea

The rough idea for my film is going to be set in a house or a woods and I'm going to have a group of friends going to stay in the woods for the night and one of them suggests that they go off in different directions of the woods to see if it is haunted or not and there is going to be some establishing shots to show the location of the forest to my audience and there is going to be a ghost girl and she is going to be dressed in a white dress with white make up and fake blood on her legs and down her face.

To create a dramatic and intense environment for my audience and there is going to be some of the friends disappearing one by one and no body knows where they have gone and then eventually the friends find out and try to leave the woods but they cant leave because the ghost girl has them trapped there and then their is going to be a close-up of the ghost girl running then of her face with the knife in her hands saying cross my path and enter my forest then this will happen to you , you have been warned and there is going to be credits rolling with the casts names and any bloopers.

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