Tuesday 10 May 2016

Opening Scene Analysis Two

The House at the end of the street is about a divorced mum and her daughter that move into the house of their dreams but when unexplainable things start to happen the character soon start to realise that the town they live in is holding a chilling secret.

The opening title of the movie creates a mystery as you want to know what the house is about by using the colour gold it suggests  richness  and wealth but in this term it could suggest lucky as they have finally found the house of their dreams . Whereas the black background suggest that something bad is going to happen to them and  creates and enigma code for the audience an enigma code is where you put all the information together and you make a set of questions and clues in the film that later on get answered for the audience  enigma codes were first invented by Roland Barthes . As you don't see anything wrong and you don't know what to expect next .

Whereas the font looks intimidating  because some of the letters are in lower case and some are in capitals tons suggest that the characters need help and to draw the audience in . as  it  looks like the letters are trying to escape of the page this could suggest that they need to get out of there and that they don't know where to go next . also there is a line in the letters this could mean that the characters are feeling mixed emotions and that they don't know whether to go back to their previous lives or not as they may feel lost .

This shot  shows how she is terrified and that there may be something behind her that only the audience can see that creates a dramatic and mysterious atmosphere and that their is a tense
environment between the characters and what is happening to them . This shot is a medium close up as you can see the head and shoulders of the character.

The characters look like they are trying to come up with a situation to this problem they look like they are concentrated on what the problem is all about but the bars behind them could suggest that they feel trapped in the house and that they don't want to go out the house as something may happen to make their situation worse this shot is also know as a two shot because it shows the relationship between the two characters and helps to show how close these characters are too each other.

She looks frustrated and that she is going to go and find out what it is and try to put her plan in to action . And this type of shot is known as a low angle shot  because it looking up down on the character .

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